Friday, July 21, 2006

The Bush logic is not only skewed, it is asinine.

You said it.

Here is an excerpt from an op-ed piece I stumbled across by
Anthony Wade

I think he summed it up pretty well considering the death and destruction GWB has brought to the world

The Bush logic is not only skewed, it is asinine. His argument centers on outlawing the destruction of embryos, which will be destroyed anyway. So, in the mind of George Bush, throwing the embryos away in the trash is acceptable but using them to better mankind is somehow immoral? The cynic inside of me wonders if the Pharmaceutical Lobby that owns Bush would prefer a sick world where medication can alleviate symptoms but not impart a cure.

Moving past the why, Bush then attacked the proposed law by offering up this hypocritical nugget, "This bill would support the taking of innocent human life in the hope of finding medical benefits for others. It crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect, so I vetoed it."

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