Monday, November 20, 2006

How naive am I?

WTF? I just got done talking to my dad. Somehow our conversation devolved from my SO's aunt dying to my hatred for the "man's burka" aka suit. I said my company doesn't appreciate/pay me enough...he said buy 5 suits. I said I wouldn't "lick asshole" (really) to get more pay

Any moron can buy a suit and any thief can buy a better is one of my little sayings.

Am I right or wrong?

Either way, I'll take less pay for genuineness before I give in to "the man"

That is all.

PS - apparently we both have enough alcohol in us to have had this conversation
PPS - he ripped on my friend for no reason. Compared myself and said friend as if I did something great. The fact is I lucked out (still don't get the pay/appreciation I should)